The freakin’ weekend!

Mmm Saturday. Kind of had a long Friday night with practice. Moody HS in Alabama doesn’t air condition their gym, so we left the doors open. With the fresh air came the giant mosquitos. Between shaving nicks, the bruises from my cascade down the stairs last week and the new bites, my legs are shaping up for shorts season really well! 😉

I know I should be spending the entire day studying for finals, but I promised myself this semester that I would take care of myself a little bit better. So I slept in and made breakfast.


They look more impressive than they really are. Truth truth, they’re from a box. But a box just means I know them taste good and can’t mess them up ha. Threw some strawberry Chobani on top, cut up some fresh strawberries and had a pretty great start to the day. Then I went on a run and swam some laps until the bikini clad babes at the pool shot me enough dirty looks that I left them alone to bronze in peace.

Then I studied. And read supplements. And made notecards. And made more notecards. Have I mentioned how much I love Civil Procedure? Civ Pro fact for you…a defendant is the only one who can remove a claim to federal court. So if you’re going to sue someone, make sure you put it in the right court or you’re going to get yatzeed by some $300/hour defense attorney.

You can’t study ALL day though, so I threw in a shower, a few loads of laundry and some cleaning. The laundry was starting to get out of control and take over it’s basket!



I even made dinner, trying to be nice and healthy. Little bit of pasta, half a can of cream of mushroom soup (I was out of Alfredo sauce so I made do), pesto and chilled asparagus tips with sea salt.


Top bad I went to my girlfriend Lesley’s house a few hours later and we promptly cracked open a bottle (or two…) of wine and ordered pizza. So much for healthy. I did only have one slice at least, and it was greasy and great.

We hung out at her place for the remainder of the night and got a good study break. Such a funny group of people, every time we get together, my abs hurt from laughing so much! It’s that deep laughter that everyone really needs and always makes me feel great after. I can always count on having a great time with them, my law school friends are fabulous! The puppies, Sargent and Beezle, were there too. How can these faces not make you smile?


The best part of today is that I never out my contacts in! Those of you with contacts know what why I say that with such excitement! Not that I can even feel my contacts when they’re in and they don’t bother me, but I love days without them. So I took a blind day today and never put them in! I’m sure you’re wondering how I studied without my glasses, but have no fear. I have a blind spot that I’m used to from neurosurgery last year and am only nearsighted, so I can read without my glasses or forages. It was just wonderful, my eyes felt like they were breathing all day long!

After a fun night, I’m back in bed watching Chopped on the Food Network and mentally preparing myself for tomorrow. But I have a conundrum. It IS finals time, this i know But its also the weekend before crunch time starts. Do I hole away in the library when I know I’ll be there all week, or do I take advantage of the weekend and study from home while throwing in an hour of reading at the pool to get some color? What do you think? I mean, my spray tan IS fading. Decisions decisions! Guess what I’m leaning towards…


4 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Natalie
    Apr 10, 2011 @ 17:29:42

    I wish it was warm enough to lay out! Can sunbathing be considered a sport???


    • Samm I Amm
      Apr 11, 2011 @ 04:26:58

      I just call it extreme studying and tell myself I’m being productive while laying out! It’s such a relaxer and a de-stressed to be out in the sun, like free therapy!


  2. Meri
    Apr 11, 2011 @ 02:54:19

    Ahhhh, just like some people take “mental health days” from work or school, I take “eye health days” with no contacts here and there. I sort of like my glasses anyway, but I always feel like I’m going to work in my PJs or something when I wear my glasses. And it’s hard to see outside when it’s bright out, too. Good for the old eyeballs though :O


    • Samm I Amm
      Apr 11, 2011 @ 04:35:53

      I feel the same way, like everyone knows i’m feeling lazy thatsay! I don’t wear my glasses very much because I have a scar on my head and they sit right on it, but I wear them to job interviews all the time because someone told me people think you’re smarter with glasses! I did day 2 of no contacts (or glasses!) today and it was wonderful!


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My blog is nor professional advice. I'm not a chef, a nutritionist, a certified sports medicine professional or a lawyer (yet.) I'm just a girl who tries to cook healthy for herself, coaches off personal playing experience, lives by the law she knows and understands and blogs for enttertainment. Seek out a professional if you need help is any of the above categories. Thanks for reading!